The Evolution of Monitoring in the Age of COVID-19
The rise of COVID-19 has accelerated enterprise digital transformation to unprecedented levels. The focus has shifted from meeting rooms and centralized business hubs to entirely decentralized estates with exponentially more endpoints.
Now there is a much greater focus on the modern worker with multiple devices, more individual meeting rooms and an increase in the use of intelligent communications.
Learn how an innovative Monitoring solution could be a potential game-changer during this time of mixed environments, OEM devices, decentralization of the workforce and intelligent communications.
This white paper will explore:
- The Evolution of the Modern Workplace Since COVID-19
- The State of Monitoring Today
- Certified Microsoft Team Rooms Devices and Zoom Rooms
- Monitoring as a Service - How Yorktel is Shifting the Monitoring System to leverage Automated Intelligence and Analytics
- What Makes Yorktel’s Monitoring Service Different?
You’ll learn how Yorktel’s Continuity and Monitoring Solution:
• Provides robust, end-to-end monitoring and management of Microsoft Teams Rooms and Zoom Room environments.
• Leverages an innovative blend of technologies to address hybrid network environments across OEMs.
• Reduces costs and increases productivity through single control panel monitoring.
• Drives decision-making through customized reporting and analytics.